More Prawns & Late Coho - The Harbour Chandler
More Prawns & Late Coho

More Prawns & Late Coho

Posted by Steve Vavrik on 2023 Nov 23rd

 My prediction that the Coho have all moved into the rivers has been proven wrong. With the relatively dry weather there are quite a few still hanging out around Entrance Island and the Five Fingers. A Chandler employee went out last weekend and had a great day fishing. He got full limits of prawns, large Coho and one short of a limit of winter Springs. The last prawn trap was dumped as a two man limit was reached with the first three traps. The two Coho were around 10 lbs. were caught and released, and one large Spring broke off near the boat. The Springs retained where nice sized for winters, and all fish came on Silver Knight Chartreuse Splatter Back spoons. Pair this with a glow chartreuse Salty Dog flasher. The prawns were caught in Bauer traps. We find these to be the most effective traps we know of. Made on Vancouver Island they have the best entry doors, and are made to last.

The largest prawns have eggs at this time of year and must be released. But over the next month they will drop their eggs and can then be taken. 

Crabbing is still unusually good after a fairly poor summer crabbing season. There have been excellent catches off the Nanaimo estuary and Protection Island area. The top trap is our Octagon crab trap. It is made here in Nanaimo for the commercial market and has proven to work well. 

If the winds stay calm and the rain holds off get out while you can. Winter fishing in Georgia Straight can be very productive.

Tips up,