Fishing Report - Page 41 - The Harbour Chandler

Fishing Report

Port Renfrew Coho

2014 Oct 16th

Coho fishing is hot right now in Renfrew!! Just back from the derby weekend, and very excited to report that it was nothing less than spectacular. Fishing was by far the best on Saturday morning, runn … read more

Ling is King

2014 Sep 16th

Salmon fishing has slowed significantly, the odd fish still being caught, but with Lingcod set to close at the end of the month I've focused my efforts on bottom fishing. The end of September is a … read more

Jig Caught Hogs

2014 Aug 26th

A large group of Chinook salmon have migrated south and appear to be holding in the Nanaimo area. These fish are nearing sexual maturity, and as such they are reluctant to take a lure presented by tro … read more