Mid Winter Fishing Report - The Harbour Chandler

Mid Winter Fishing Report

2016 Jan 15th

Greetings and happy New Year! After the holidays and all the foul weather I'm seeing fishermen heading out on the water again. After all it's always a good idea to fire up the boat engines periodically, and you might as well knock the rust off your fishing gear/skills at the same time. While the quantity of fish coming in right now is not exceptional, I've noticed quite a few large fish for this time of year. In the last week I know of two fish that were over 20lbs. Most are in the 10-12lb range right now, but they are growing fast. Best lures have been Glow Cop Car teaser heads and Glow Cop Car spoons trolled deep and slow, with long leaders. Thrasher Rock and the Winchelsea area have produced the best fish, but Entrance and the East Side of Gabriola would be good choices too. Here at the Chandler we should see our Gold Star spoon order soon, including a new batch of our own designs. Remember we always sell out of the best patterns before mid-summer, so if you want a particular hot spoon try to buy it before then. The Vancouver Boat Show is this week Jan 20-24. See you there! Tips up, Steve Vavrik