Shallow Chinook and Algae Bloom - The Harbour Chandler

Shallow Chinook and Algae Bloom

2017 May 26th

Fishing continues to range from decent to great in most locations. The Average size has bumped up to 15-20 lbs. Best lures have been Silver Horde spoons in Herring Aid, Stink Eye (AKA Chandler Custom 2016 #12), and Nickle/Blue Skinny G spoons. Interestingly in an effort to avoid the algae bloom layer guys have been fishing shallow, around fifty feet near Porlier Pass and Thrasher Rock. Even more interestingly they have been catching fish at that depth. While the algae doesn't bother the salmon, it sure makes catching them hard, as it gums up the first eye of your rod and sometimes snaps it. (FYI not a warranty issue) This mornings reports say way less algae around 5 Fingers, and plenty of fish. 130 ft down in 400 ft of water. Best lure was Homeland security spoon. On a product note we finally got our custom Silver Horde spoons in! They are awesome, some are already gaining a following among our staff and product testing customers. I won't make any recommendations until they get a little more use, but there are some incredible looking ones that I suspect will become favorites. Also a reminder it is the Serauxmen Salmon Derby this weekend. Tips up & Tubs full, Steve Vavrik