Sun and Smileys - The Harbour Chandler

Sun and Smileys

2017 Sep 15th

The Sun is still shinning and the salmon are still biting. While things slowed down a bit after that patch of rain we had, fishing is picking up again. There are loads of salmon stacked up in front of the Little Qualicum river and off French creek. Reports from Nanaimo are a bit less promising, but we have had some very large fish taken in recent days. Including the 40lb + Chinook taken from a Kayak off Neck Point last week. At this time of year I'm using purple and gold coloured flashers like the Gibbs Watermark series. The Green watermark has a neat hint of gold in it that I really like. As for lures try Gold Stars "Trash can" (a new silver plated spoon), and the as yet un-named spoon (2017 Custom #4). It's green, chartreuse and silver. I also like to use a very slow trolled anchovy with a purple haze teaser head. Prawning is super hot off Nanaimo right now. They are extra large and everywhere. With very low commercial pressure it looks like we are going to have a great winter prawning season Crabbing is also consistently good. My last haul was over 20 crab (in one trap, and one solitary huge crab in the other trap)). I kept my limit and tossed back a lot of big crabs. Tips up & traps down, Steve Vavrik