The Clock is Ticking! - The Harbour Chandler

The Clock is Ticking!

2016 Apr 8th

Time is running down for prepping our boats/gear as the big run of White Springs should be getting close. It's time to get any final repairs done, test new gear, and do a shake down cruise. Get out on the water and make sure your ship is in ship shape. With the weather we've had, we all should be out enjoying our spring (and taking pictures to send to friends and family back East). Here in the store we are all stocked up for the season. However we are already running low of some of the coolest new spoons, like Herring Aid, and our new 2" Goldstar spoons. The 2" spoons should be perfect for when the herring eggs hatch in a few weeks. Hopefully the trout fishermen won't buy them all up like they did last year with the first proto types came out. As for the current salmon situation, not much has changed since last week. Best bets are still out on the far side of Gabriola, fishing deep with glow spoons like Irish Eyes and Homeland Security. The only significant changes are more legal sized springs and we are starting to see some fish showing up a little shallower in the Five Finder area. Local high liner, Captain Jack of the good ship 'Free Spirit' got a nice 12lber at 130ft with a 3.5" Pink Sink. Also a heads up, the Inaugural 'Shut Up & Fish" Charity Serauxmen Fishing Derby is set for May 14-15th. Tips up, Steve V tick tick tick tick