Winter Doldrums - The Harbour Chandler

Winter Doldrums

2015 Nov 28th

We are in the middle of our quietest time of the fishing season. November and December are our slowest two months. However, unlike many places on the coast we do still have salmon in our area. Fishing is not hot and heavy right now, but we are starting to see a lot of bait that is drawing in winter Chinooks. To target them, try fishing deep around the fingers at 180 ft. or on the east side of Gabriola just off the bottom in 200 ft. of water. See my winter fishing techniques from two posts ago. Remember to use glow lures, apply lots of herring scent and as much flasher as possible. Kone Zones right off your cannon ball is a good way to attack fish from far off, especially with the clear winter water. (I actually use Kone Zones all season) There are also still some nice big Coho out around Entrance Island too. There aren't a lot, but I know of three caught in the 15lb plus range since my last report. Glow splatter back hootchies are best. There seems to be a few guys trying to learn how to catch Puget Sound King crabs. I've caught lots of small ones around the fingers and know of large ones caught at the South end of Gabriola recently. It was over a foot across the back. I get them in my Jolly Good crab/prawn trap, but the really big ones can't fit in it without widening the door. If anyone has figured out how to target them I'd love to know. We have some big blue hoop lobster traps that I'm going to try out for this. Tips up, Traps down. Steve V